Monday, November 9, 2009

Another Meeting :)

Hello again!

Today we had another meeting with the organizer group, we will meet every day this week. A lot of time, but definatly worth it! We are almost there, everything is almost finished. After half a year of work, it feels great! I've been working with this project since the begining of June. Well, I haven't actually worked all the time beacuse of school, but I've been following the project the whole time. There will be a big hole after this project and I will really miss the nice people from the organizer group! You are really amazing guys! =)

Today at the meeting, I arrived a bit late so I missed the "whole group together" metting. Then I was with the track two group: Projects - Acting Locally. They are preparing everything in detail know, so it wasn't so much to do. Just make sure that everything is okey for Friday. The timetable for that group is very intressting, a lot of intresting speaker and funny activitys!

I'm looking forward to meet you all on Friday, and if you have any questions to me, or want to write in this blog, CONTACT ME! :)

And don't forget to choose your track as soon as possible!!

4 days left!

~ Agnes

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