Saturday, November 14, 2009

Saturday morning

A new day with new activities has just stared.

This morning begun with a film called “Wake up, Freak out – then get a grip”, it was very interesting. After the film there was a speaker from the University of Lund, Åsa Knaggård. She talked a lot about the problems, not about the consequences with the climate changes. How do we solve these problems? We can’t just sit around and wait for something to happen, we must act now. But how can we act? Who will pay? What will happen if we don’t stop this when we still have time left? Will the rich countries help the poor countries? And the most important thing of them all, can we actually compare humanity and biodiversity with money?

As I wrote, the last question is the most interesting one. There is no one who will take the place to lead us towards a better future. All the leaders in the world only care about themselves, how to gain more power and their own problems. They know that we have to do something, but are they willing to do enough? There are so many sides of this problem, so many effects, we have to act now! We can’t just sit around and wait for someone else to act. Someone needs to take the first step, and that must be someone who people could look up to. There are a lot of problems but only a few solutions. We really need to stop fighting against each other and work as a team.

As Dumbledore in Harry Potter said, ”We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”


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