Sunday, November 15, 2009

Track three, pass 6.

This morning I went to a lecture for track three. It was a lecture about Climate change, ethics and lifestyle and how these three things affect each other. Peter Erikson was the person who held the lecture, he came from the Nordic genetic resource centre.

There are three basic things about ethics:
1: Affecting others in a way important to them.
2: normative
3: it’s universal.

So, if all your friends like coffee, but hates tea, and you loves tea, it probably won’t matter because you don’t affect them by drinking tea. If you on the other hand love to break other people things and your friends don’t they will probably tell you that it’s not right, because it affects other people.
And by living the way we live, we affect the climate, there is something called carbon footprint. We saw some numbers from Trondheim University, about different countries carbon footprint, which is the amount of greenhouse gases emitted because of our lifestyle.

Malawi: 8 megaton
Sweden: 90 M
Denmark: 80 M
Finland: 95 M
Norway: 70 M
Russia: 1500 M
USA: 8000 M
China: 4000 M
India: 1900 M
Indonesia: 400 M
Those numbers are for the whole country.

But like I wrote before, those numbers are for the things we use, because of the way we live, if you instead look at the total emission from for example Indonesia, their emission number is 3000 M compared to their footprint: 400 M. Why? Indonesia is a big producer of palm oil, countries all over the world uses this oil in food, makeup, soap and a whole lot of other everyday products. As you can see, our use of palm oil all over the world affect Indonesia’s carbon emission.

And what If we don´t reduce our emissions? What if we are too comfortable to change our lifestyle? Who will pay for it? If we don’t do anything coming generations, other species and poorer countries will be the ones paying the price for our stupidity and wasteful lifestyles.


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