Friday, November 13, 2009


The speaker from ess were a bit late, so thats why this post is a bit late. We have just ate and right now there is the opening cermony, we'll write more about that later. Now a bit about the ESS.

The ESS or European Spallation Source (Scandinavia) will be an European resarch station. It will be build outside Lund, because Lund is close to Copenhagen and Copenhagen is the key to the rest of the Europe and the world. The ESS is a project formed by 13 diffrent Europeans countries. There will also build a station called MAX IV. In the ESS they will study and work with neutrons, because with neutrons you can see soft material, and with X-ray (and light) you can only see hard materia. With this tecnollogy you might be abel to, create new energy sorces, create better medecine, work with cehemstry, create things for a better climate future. etc.

Ess will perhaps have to much heat during summertime and they would be very happy if you came up with ideas of what they could use this extra energy form!

This was very short about the ESS, you can read more about it on

~ Agnes


klimattingett said...

dont for get twitter

citizen of Lund said...

This is what ESS is about. (From the technical report from ESS Council):

“The main safety concerns with respects to the ESS target results from:
· The radiotoxicity of the spallation products (105 TBq/target)
· The chemical toxicity of the mercury (15 t/target)
· The direct radiation penetrating through the shielding which may, among others, result in activation of soil and ground water
· The condensed, burnable gases (hydrogen), used in moderators, whose explosion might damage the target station.

“The following design basis accidents were identified in PSAR as being most important:
· Fire (spreading into or starting within the target building)
· Hydrogen explosion with follow-on fire (also as a consequence of seismic events)
· Loss of heat sink accidents without timely shutdown of the proton beam
· Loss of mercury flow without timely shutdown of the proton beam

Other accidents identified as relevant and studied in detail in PSAR are:
· Loss of mercury confinement
· Hydrogen explosion without fire (also induced by seismic events)
· Beam mis-steering leading to failure of the target hull
· Crane drop accidents

Toxic aspects. Apart from the radioactivity contained in the target material, the chemical toxicity of mercury represent a major hazard to both people and environment if accidentally released. Not only have large and fast releases to be considered, but also small, continous releases and minor incidents."

The ideas of "create new energy sorces, create better medecine, work with cehemstry, create things for a better climate future" is just bullshit. It´s just a way to escape from the negative aspects of ESS. Don´t trust the information You get from