Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tomorrow it is!

Tomorrow it is,and I'm already tired so this will be a short post.
This week has been so hard, all the last preparations, they never seem to end. But tomorrow we can finally enjoy our hard work. Today I didn't attend to the last organizer meeting befor the conferance. I was in Copenhagen, at the airport to pick up one of the studets who will live in my house during the weekend. I hope that those of you who were and are arriving to Lund today are fine and that you enjoy our beautiful small town. Hopefully I'll meet some of you at the Youth Concil meating tommorrow morning. =)

The opening cermony of the Climate Gathering will begin at 13.15 (1.15 P.M) in "AF-borgen" Don't miss that, you can find a time-table here if you need one.

But I think I'll go for some sleep now. There's a big day tomorrow and I really need to be well-rested until then. Sleep Well everybody.

~ Agnes

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